Self service queuing kiosk
LCD Display TFT LCD 19”
Resolution 1280 x 1024
Contrast Ratio 500:1
Color Resolution 16.2M
Brightness 300CD/m2
DC Adapter DC12V 5A
Touch Technology Anti-Dust SAW Touch Screen Kit
Resolution 4096 x 4096
Glass thickness 4mm
Deviation of Error 2mm
Light Transmission 90%~92%
Response Time Less than 16ms
Touch Activation Force Less than 100g(adjust allowed)
Durability Scratch-free; More than 50,000,000 touches in one location without failure.
Surface Hardness Mohs’ hardness rating of 7
Controller Interface USB and RS232
PC Specification Mini PC
CPU INTEL ATOM Processor D525 duo core 1.8Ghz
HDD 320 GB 2.5” HDD
Graphics Inter NM10Express
Chipset INTEL 3150
Ports 5 x USB, 1 x VGA, 1 x LAN, 1 x AUDIO-OUT , 1 x MIC-IN
Power Consumption 30 W
Operating System Windows 7 / Linux Ubuntu
Standard Components  
Wireless 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi and antenna
Camera Mini camera
Protector Power surge protector & breaker switch
Card Device Pin pad and card reader
Printer 80mm thermal printer
Bill Devices Front Load BV, 800 Cassette
Coin Device Multi Coin Recycler + Solenoid & Push Button Kit
Physical Specification  
Kiosk shell material 1.5mm cold rolled steel
Feet 4 x adjustable rubber feet
Fan 2 x 12V fans
Audio | Speakers 2 x 15W Speakers, 1 x 30W Amplifier
Ports | Slots Power input | Power switch | PC switch | USB | LAN | Volume control
Cables Standard power cable
Power Supply International 110–240 AC power
Operating Temp | Humidity Temperature:+5°C ~ +50°C | Humidity:0% ~ 80%
Weight & Dimension 85, 600x500x1680mm(WxDxH)
Packing Method Wooden crate
Packing Weight & Dimension 125kg, 650 x 550 x 1730mm(WxDxH)
Customize Options  
Multi-options Shell design Operating system Personalized colors, finish, branding & advertising
Screen size Integrated components Professional re-usable flight case
PC upgrade Lockable computer & monitor & compartments  
Other Kiosk Components  
Wireless Network 3G/GPRS modem, Bluetooth, GPS receiver
Printers 60mm, 80mm, A4, ticket printers
Input Keyboards, Touch pads, Trackballs
Card Devices Magnetic / IC / RFID devices, Multi-card reader
Payment Devices Debit / Credit Card Payment devices, Bill & Coin devices
Scanners Barcode & document scanners
Authentication Biometric devices & signature pads
Power UPS
Other DVD RW, Intrusion Alarm, Proximity Sensor
